Can electric cars be better than gasoline cars?

Can electric cars be better than gasoline cars?

Electric Vehicles already gain huge popularity in the market. Electric cars are very similar to gasoline cars but the major difference is an electric motor and generation of power. Electric cars have an internal combustion engine and they have started gaining more popularity with the improvements in battery storage. Some cars are known as hybrids and they work on batteries and petrol. It is also possible that we convert our existing cars into electric cars.


 Without a vehicle, commuting and running errands in today’s world get difficult. With the rising gasoline prices, many people are looking for alternative solutions for this, and investing in an electric-powered car is one of the greatest investments. 


Before you buy, it is important to know each fact about electric vehicles.

Pros and Cons of Electric Vehicles:

1. Cost

Electric vehicles are more expensive than any gasoline car. But there are several incentives and offers that can make it more affordable. It requires less maintenance, so the overall charge on these electric vehicles is less than gasoline cars.

2. Environmental Friendly

Electric vehicles are less polluting to the climate, but it consumes huge energy to charge itself. The batteries used in electric cars are lithium-ion batteries which generally consume higher energy than gasoline cars. 

3. Low maintenance requirement

There is less number of moving parts in electric vehicles which results in lower maintenance requirement is the benefit of E-Vehicles. In the entire year, they can successfully save your time and money on maintenance. The major problem can be with the charging of the batteries, but nowadays there are charging stations for the E-Vehicles.

4. Lack of noises:

One of the best things about electric vehicles is it is quiet from inside and outside. It virtually has no additional noises due to the lack of moving parts and implementation of digital features in it. 

5. Speed

Many people think electric cars are slow, but this is not the right statement about electric vehicles. Many electric cars have broken the records in speed and distance. The high-quality batteries in these cars enable them to drive up to around 400 miles on a single charge. Earlier, the batteries were only capable of around 160 miles.

Why should one consider electric cars over gasoline cars?

These cars will save drivers a lot of money on petrol costs. They do not harm the environment as petrol cars do and thus making them an excellent way to travel. One of the main advantages of electric cars over gasoline is that it has fewer moving parts, whereas gasoline has hundreds of moving parts. Therefore, it creates noises inside the car too. For the same reason, it demands lesser maintenance and offers high reliability. 

How does E-Vehicle production affect the environment?

Making an electric car requires a lot of energy. Even lithium-ion batteries consume energy but are still better than gasoline cars. The reason behind this is that the reduction in the emission of harmful gases, even with the advancement in technology, is getting better than now. The concepts of recycling and reusing batteries are also one of the growing markets in the automotive industry. 


In conclusion, based on the above-discussed points, there are so many pros in moving towards Electric cars from Gasoline vehicles. Electric cars contribute towards a healthy environment, require very low maintenance, step-up with better scores in security tests, cost-efficient, modern technology, subsidiary vehicles by the government, zero or very low fumes, quiet both inside and outside, no waiting for fuel, top speed, fast cooling, and much more. Electric vehicles are becoming the vehicles of today.